Thursday, September 17, 2015

How to run JMeter with NON-GUI

  • Go to JMeter  bin folder of your Jemeter installation from command prompt : such as this,


  • type the following command
C:\apps\apache-jmeter-2.12\bin>jmeter.bat -n -t C:\JMeterTests\loadTest_1.jmx  -l C:\JMeterTests\exercise\Test2.jtl -D

·         jmeter.bat          invoke JMeter
·         -n                            means run JMeter in non GUI mode
·         -t                             means the location and name of the test script .jmx file
·         -l                             means the location of the log file and the results will be logged at this file. And this log result file has to be saved in  .jtl format.
·         -D                           means the format of the result log .jtl file  (if you want to open in Jemeter Graph, such as Response Time Graph, you need to set the format = xml, if you just want to open in in Summary report, xml format is not necessary, so this option can be ignored)

  • After invoke and run .jmx script file, waiting for the running is end.

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