Thursday, October 1, 2015

How to handle pipe line "|" in Jmeter HTTP Request parameter

In Jmeter HttpRequest parameter, can’t use pipe line ( | ) directly, it need to use %7C.
If  using pipe ( | ) directly in the parameter, like this STLNAME1|CARDMSG1|STFNAME1,

This request will fail and the response will complain, like “ Illegal character in query….”
So, if you have only one parameter need to us pipe line ( | ), you can directly replace the pipe line ( | ) with %7C, that will help you solve the problem. Like “STLNAME1%7CCARDMSG1%7CSTFNAME1”

But, if you use a lot of pipe line ( | ) in your parameter, replacing them manually will be painful, so there is another way to automatically convert pipe line into %7C.
Check “encode?” box in “Send Parameters with the Request” like this. 

 Nice, ready to go!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :)

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