Monday, March 12, 2018

How to kill a process when you only know the process is running with some port number

Suppose you know the process is running with port 4723, but in the Task manager window, you are not sure which process is it.  So you can do the followings:

  1. Open Command Prompt with Administrator
  2.  Enter the command like this:  netstat -ano | findstr :#yourport#
  3. Then you will get the process’s Pid
  4. Now you have two ways to kill it:   
  • back to the Task Manager and find it with the PID and kill it. 
  • But, sometimes, even you get the PID number, but you cannot find it  from the Task Manager window. So at this time, you need to using the following command through the Command Prompt.  In the Command Prompt window Enter the command like this : taskkill /f /pid #pid#

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