Friday, August 31, 2018

Robot Framework merge output files and generate a new log and report file

 we can use rebot command to merge multiple output xml file and generate a new log and report files.

  1. for convenience, put all of output.xml file in to one folder, e.g C:\output_1.xml, C:\output_2.xml ...
  2. use command parameters:
    • --outputdir  :: this is for your final result located. 
    • --merge   :: this is for merging all output files. 
    • --output :: this is for the merged final output file 
    • -  :: this is for generating new log file
    • - :: this is for generating new report file
  3. final command should be like this
C:\>rebot --outputdir c:\result --merge --output final_output.xml, -l final_log.html -r final_report.html output_1.xml output_2.xml, output_3.xml

the final results file, final_output.xml, final_log.html and final_report.html will be generated in the folder c:\result.
